Writing isn't just the bound book. It's the fifteen minutes of typing while the dinner cooks, story ideas in the shower, funny stories that don't make it to the novel but are funny or meaningful just the same.
SEERS, a YA fantasy novel about seventeen-year-old Leesie who, as a seer can raid brains and steal memories, struggles to find a place in a world where her own memories have been stolen from her.
SEERS was published by Charlesbridge Publishing in 2013 and was the 2013 winner of the National Association of Elementary School Principals' CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE YEAR.
As a high school English teacher, Kristine's specialties are Author Visits in schools offering a comprehensive, eye-catching look into the writing process and the creation of a novel. She also offers workshops and bookstore and library visits as well.
In 2011 I had a tough group of students. The while-standing-in-front-of-packed-shelves-in-the-library-they-wined-about-having-nothing-to-read types. So I wrote a book for them.
In between laundry loads one day I sat down to write with my reticent readers in mind. Six months later SEERS was done, and I was doing what I had told myself at twelve I would do: write books. A year later it was on the shelves. I'm currently writing my fourth novel.
In the midst of that are my kids (human and goat), a couple horses, a dozen chickens, and a husband.
So I write about all of it because . . . why not?
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